Meet the Makers: Sèchey Brands
November | Meet the Makers | Megan Klein & Little Saints
A Student of Plant’s Medicines Little Saints, a functional canned cocktail, founded by Megan Klein, replaced alcohol for nutritious plant based ingredients, terpenes, reishi mushroom, and CBD. CBD is a...
October | Meet the Makers | Ellie Webb & Caleño Drinks
Vamos De Fiesta! Discover the joy of not drinking with Ellie Webb, founder of exotic and vibrant non-alcoholic spirit, Caleño. About 6 years ago, Ellie dis-proved the notion that alcohol...
Meet the Makers | Sara Delaney & Sarilla
Sèchey is happy to introduce one of our newest brands, Sarilla! Founded by the beautiful, Sara Stender Delaney, Sarilla is a line of delicious sparkling teas made with fair trade...
Meet the Makers: August Edition | Leanne Kisil & Sol Bru
The Journey to Sol Brü Elixirs As many of us have before, alcohol can be used as a crutch to lean on in difficult times. Thinking of it as a...
Meet the Makers | Alexandria Klempf | SipC
How It Got Started Alexandria Klempf started Sip C back in 2019 with award-winning Napa Valley winemaker, Meredith Leahy. Working together they have created a product that is both unique...
Atmos Brewing Company: Paul Holle | June Edition
When Sèchey discovered Atmos Brewing Company, we knew we needed to add it to our shelves. This high-quality and uniquely crafted beer has quickly become one of our favorite brands and is getting rave reviews from our customers. We are so excited about partnering with their award-winning brand and can't wait to see where our partnership will lead.
Mockingbird Spirit : Fern McCoy | May Edition
Who doesn't love a margarita mocktail!? We know we do. But finding a high-quality non-alcoholic alternative can be hard. That is why we are so grateful that Mockingbird Spirit has taken...
Bax Botanics: Chris and Rose Bax | April Edition
Welcome to April! Here at Séchey, we are celebrating spring and truly appreciative of this beautiful earth that we all call home. To honor Earth Day 2022, we are raising...
Betty Buzz: Blake Lively | March Edition
Founded by actress and entrepreneur Blake Lively, Betty Buzz is a brand new non-alcoholic mixer line named after her daughter, aunt, and grandmother. With rave reviews and tons of positive...
Bobuz: Fay Behbehani | February Edition
A wild gal turned sober-curious, Fay Behbehani is a London native living in Los Angeles, and a beverage entrepreneur in both the alcoholic and the non-alcoholic space. As former head...
JØYUS: Jessica Selander | January Edition
Like many of our customers, Team Sèchey loves's social, it's cultural and it is a part of every celebration. It's the aroma, the pop of the cork, the presentation...
RASĀSVĀDA: Connor W. Godfrey | December Edition
Rasāsvāda is a spirit restorative company, built to help people find courage, clarity, and connection in their present moment. Connor W. Godfrey founded Rasāsvāda during his own challenging time, when a...